Are you looking to change your visa from a student visa into a work visa, Currently the government has opened the healthcare route to allow your visa to be extended You must currently be in the UK...
Sometimes those providing care for a relative at home need some time off or need to take a holiday. There are a few Care facilities in Blackburn offer a short term respite care service and, depending...
Volunteer Activity- what can you get involved with Volunteer roles are split roughly between befriending roles (usually undertaken one-to-one basis ) and activity based roles. There have been a wi...
Regulation 18 states: Sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced persons must be deployed in order to meet the requirements of this part. Persons employed by the ser...
A pilot study at the University of California, Los Angeles looked at whether consuming grapes could help fight the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, research...